Johnny B. Truant

Smart books for smart readers.

I’m the author of Fat Vampire (which became SyFy’s Reginald the Vampire), plus 100+ books across most genres. My books are layered, intelligent, and often funny. I love what I do, never cut corners, and would rather earn 10 true fans than sell 10,000 copies.

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One drug saved the world. Now the same drug will destroy it.

Take Necrophage soon after being bitten by a zombie and you’re almost normal. Wait weeks and you’re half-dead but safe. Wait too long and no drug can save you: you’re sent to Yosemite to go feral, then be hunted for sport. Today millions of “safe dead” live among us … but in the midst of a conspiracy, Necrophage is failing.

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The Artisan Author approach

Art matters. Stories should connect people.

There’s a race to the bottom in publishing these days: authors going faster-faster in order to outrun AI and make a living through speed and bulk.

I stand for the opposite. I believe that stories are art as much as they’re entertainment, and art is unfailingly human. I never rush my books, and I make them available everywhere I can: all countries, all stores, all interested readers. Every book is written with love, all physical copies designed with care. I love connecting with my readers and actually answer email. (Shocking, I know.)

Read more about the Artisan Author philosophy >>

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